Whew, I have been decompressing after the Thanksgiving holiday, all that food and family was a bit much and now I am thrown into the biggest holiday season of the year, Christmas!!! I love Christmas (thank you Jesus for being born), but I also love the mainstreamness(I know this is not a word, but it is fitting) of it all, the songs, the Eggnog, the decorations and of course gifts! Now as an adult I never look forward to many gifts, I realized a long time ago I am no longer the giftee but now the gifter. With that in mind it is important for me to realize creative ways to buy gifts for my child and other young loved ones.... Christmas can get very pricey, so my advice to you mommies if you haven't already learned this is to start early... Many of the items your children want can be found in the middle of the year for reasonable prices, you all know waiting to the last minute to get your kid that perfect toy can cost half your rent (remember Tickle Me Elmo). My next piece of advice is to also stress the importance of the holidays true meaning and incorporate family fun. There are many ways to have a great christmas without spoiling your children with gifts they will forget about in January! Children usually remember the great moments versus the gifts. My final piece of advice is to show your children how lucky they are, by having them donate some of their old toys, books and clothing to children less fortunate. This is a great way to ensure your children understand they do not need all of Toys r' Us for Christmas and that there are so many great ways to celebrate Christmas by helping others.
So I have given my ideas for ways to prevent holiday stress and keep a little money in your pocket. What do you mommies do to keep your holiday spirits bright? Write about it!!!